Little dog grows and turns in to big and beautiful shepherd… By time it reaches its virility, and you start to dare for puppies, who will cheerfully run in your house.
book source: German Shepherd 101
If you have male dog, it might have been through its “over sexual” period our 8-9 month. On this age it is still young to fertilize a female and to have puppies. Virility for male starts around 1 – 1 ½ age. Their first act must not before 2 years. It will get great if the female has already breed, and everything will go perfectly. The puppies gets to know each other before the female gets rutty, and it will be good to see each other on leash. So that male can be calm while fertilizing. Female gets rutty for first time when she is 6-10 months. In rut the suited between the backside legs dick first swells, after that appears blood leaks. The females attitude changes – she gets disobedient, urinates often while taking a walk and plays with every dog she meets. Around 9th day starts the ovulation. Meanwhile the female changes rapidly. She starts to play with well known dogs, moves her tail aside by specific way, and make moves like prompting for play with the male. Whether she is fertilized or not, the prompting movement stops, bleeding stops around 20 – 25 day males losses their interest to the certain female. This rut repeats on every 6 – 8 months.
Female can be fertilized on the first rut, but is considered to wait until the third one, because till, year and a half, the dog hasn’t developed his physics, and one early gestation will influence bad to it.
For the first fertilization of one female, is good to choose, male who has experience. The dogs should know each other. It is good to meet them on the seventh day of the rut, so that you can define if the female is ready. If she doesn’t let the male to her, the meeting repeats on the ninth day, and if she doesn’t want her partner again, gather them and on the eleventh, thirteenth and fifteenth day. If she doesn’t want it at all, you should speak with vet.
For the act, female is leaded to the males place, or other place, where she knows and likes. If you have fenced yard, the best will be to let the dogs play. In nature, female always invites male to run and the fertilizing become part of the play. If it’s not possible to let the dogs play, get them close to one another and let them smell each other. When the female is ready, male while make a few tries to get on her back, when he succeeds to get higher, will put the penis in his partners vagina. In this moment female must be grasped. The male will throw his sperm with a few pushes and, get off her back. Dogs are with the unique in nature penis, which has ossicle, that while swelling, it can be sticked out for 20 minutes and dogs stays like this trapped. With the fall of the penis, dogs starts to tow themselves. It is good to let the male to run and move a little after the act. In reference to the female, she has to be taken on leash, and now way letting her urinate, otherwise it is very likely to throw out the sperm while urinating. The act must be repeated twice in the next 2,3 days, so that you can be absolutely sure that the female is fertilized. For the work, male gets one puppy and with this his responsibilities ends…
In female is not like that.
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